Heating Season

Conditions for starting and stopping the heating

According to the regulations, the company must ensure heat supplying to the citizens of Sofia in the period from 1rst of October to 30th of April. However, this does not mean that the heating is switched on and off automatically on the dates specified.

For mass starting of the heating service, the legal requirements should be met: three 
consecutive days with an average daily temperature lower than + 12 ° C and a forecast from NIMH - BAS for permanent cold.

For mass stopping of the heating service, the legal requirements should be met: three consecutive days with an average daily temperature higher than + 12 ° C and a forecast from NIMH - BAS for permanent heating.

Individual request for heating start and stop

Per request of the customers in the condominium the heating can be started or stopped before the general start /stop for the capital. For this purpose it is necessary to submit an application and a protocol of a decision of the General Assembly of the condominium in one of the company's information centers. The consent of the owners, who own at least 2/3 of the property in the building in ideal parts, is required.

Kindergardens, schools, health facilities and other institutions may also request that the heating be switched on or off before the general for the capital. In this case, it is necessary the principal to submit a written request.

What to do before the start of the heating season

It is important for customers to finish all repairs to the internal heating system and for the person authorized to work with the subscriber station to fill the installation. Heating will not be switched on in buildings where this installation is not filled, because in some homes the repair may not yet be finished.

Customers must open the radiator valves to the maximum in advance so that no additional deaeration of the radiators to be required after the heating is started.

The deaeration is done by the designated Person for work with the subscriber station in the building. Everyone should check their electronic devices for share distribution. In case their display is turned off, customers should immediately seek assistance from the heat accountant company that serves them.