Termination of the service

The use of heating and hot water is not an individual service, but is chosen by the whole building. Therefore, according to the current legislation, you cannot give it up individually. Accordingly, even if your radiators are permanently switched off, if this service is still used in the building, you will receive bills for building installation and share distribution services.

The termination of a service is possible with a decision of the General Assembly of the building condominium, i.e. when the owners of at least 2/3 of the property in the building (ideally parts) have voted for it.

In order to fair to the customers, in case of explicit data for inefficiency of the used service, Toplofikacia Sofia EAD sends a letter to the building condominium, in which it informs about the case and the possibility to terminate the service. At the invitation of the condominium, a consultant of the company can attend the general meeting to inform the owners on the situation and answer questions.